Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Why do we have secrets? What's the point? Why would I not want to tell you, the reader, something?

Well, it could be because I'm timid or embarrassed about the secret in question. I may be afraid that you'll make fun of me for my Pokemon playing. You could shun me, call me names, etc. But am I afraid because that is what will happen, or because it's what I believe will happen?

If there is no legitimacy to my claim, then I am being afraid over nothing. Conversely though, if it is a certainty that you will reject me as a friend for playing Pokemon, then I have to decide which I value more: honesty and openness, or your friendship.

Luckily, there may be some way to find out why you dislike Pokemon to the extent that you would end our friendship. If it is because you once had a traumatic experience involving someone who played Pokemon, then I could try to explain how I'm not like that other person. By gaining understanding, we can keep our friendship intact and not let it fall apart over such a little misunderstanding.

Personally, I feel that we should not have secrets. The only reason we keep secrets is due to insecurities, be it our own or others. I wouldn't tell you that I sleep with a teddy bear that my great-grandmother made me when I was very young if I was insecure about it. If I thought you would judge me and say that I was a child for doing that then I’d keep it a secret from you.

In the end though, if you're comfortable about who you are and what you do, why should others change that? If they don't accept you for who you are, then why should you conform to suit them? Unless you can be shown that your Pokemon addiction, style of dressing, or drinking of WD40-enriched water is a bad thing, then there's no reason for you to stop.

Someone told me recently that they keep some secrets so they can tell them to friends who they trust as a sign of that trust. Personally, I innately trust everyone unless they show me a reason why I shouldn't. However, when I get to know people more, then I'll give them "full access" as it were. Many times I'll even say "You can ask me anything you know."

The worst part though, is when people are insecure about the strangest things. As most people are getting e-mails about "enlarging their penis size", I think that we can conclude that the majority of males feel inadequate in that regard. But why? Unless you're a stripper, or just wish to have sex for fun, then it doesn't really matter. Would you want to marry someone who, after happily spending months with you in a relationship, suddenly thinks less of you because of your penis size? I personally wouldn't wish to marry someone so conceited.

Why can't we all just be a little bit more open and a tad more accepting? If all learn how to love each other for who they are a bit more, then there'd be less war, hatred, and violence. The world would become a better place. We wouldn't see gang violence nearly as much. So open up. Show people that you're no one to be afraid of, and in turn, they'll trust you.

This openness and trust will nurture acceptance, bringing love and a feeling of belonging to blossom. The world can become a better place, if you just tell your secrets. Just be warned: Most people don't want to know about your penis size. You can keep that to yourself.


Anonymous said...

Curious, what is your penis size anway?

The Man With The Plan said...

Well, "anonymous", perhaps there is a better question to be answered: Why do you wish to know? Obviously there is a reason to why you ask the question (and additionally spell anyway without two ys), or else you would not do so.

Personally, I believe that not only is my penis size of little consequence to anyone but myself and someone whom I wish to show my penis to, but that it seems very bizarre for others to wish to know. The obvious conclusions I can reach as to why they would wish to know that are as follows:
1. They are conceited (which would then reduce the likelihood that I would wish to tell them).
2. They are taking a survey.
3. They wish to put me off balance.
4. They wish to prove me wrong on my last statement made in jest (that no on really wants to know your penis size).
5. They want to have me contradict my previous idea of being open.

I am sorry that I have not been able to answer your question, but if you had stated your name and perhaps a reason for asking said question, then I would have reason to reveal such a piece of intimate information.

The Man With The Plan said...

Additionally, I see that in hindsight there are two more things which bear mentioning: 1. I deduce from the blog itself that the reason you do not reveal your identity and instead keep it secret is most likely because you are embarrassed about asking the question, or you wish my impartial answer, and 2. There was an article in the University of Waterloo newspaper, the Imprint, today which dealt with the issue of penis size. THe link is given here: