Friday, June 30, 2006

Perhaps a Return is in Order?

Dear My Peeps (In the Hood),

I am deeply sorry to those who have been feeling lost without my semi-frequent updates. I could blame it on many things: the weather, studying for exams, or the alignment of the planets. But if I did so, I would be lying.

No, the real reason I have not been updating is simple: I am not motivated. Well, towards this anyway. In my life, this is how many things work: Do something because it's fun/challenging, then the item becomes boring by losing its fun, its challenge, or its now too difficult. Then I abandon it. This is probably why: a) I haven't updated my blog, b) I left Amber's forums, c) I stop playing video games, d) I have four or so stories with only the first few pages written, e) I have numerous video ideas that I haven't begun, or only slightly, and f) this summer will most likely amount to very little (although I hope not!)

So, here's the idea: Tell me if you want me to do something! Currently I have a friend who is bugging me to write a movie with them (which I want to do, but will, at one point, become unmotivated). This has kept me more driven to finish it. And then I also get to the fun points, like planning out the CGI for it (CGI rocks!), which makes me wish to continue.

In conclusion, I'm sorry for not posting more often, but your reminders (Robyn and Amber) have made me realize that I should post more, and will now. Thank you.

That Guy