Friday, July 21, 2006

Idea for tonight

I have to say that there is something I consistently hate about emotions. An item that you don't really want, when threated to be taken from you, makes part of you want to keep it, if, for no other reason, than just to be able to say you have it.

My mother was getting rid of a Jeopardy game which I had completely forgotten I had and had only played once or twice and not overly liked it, but when it was brought back into my mind, I wanted to keep it because, of course, it may be of use someday. Or I'll make an animation on the computer, then I'll hit a phase where I find it to be trivial and just taking up space, but then someone inquires if I had used a certain technique once, and lo and behold, I only did so on that one "trivial" animation.

Ultimately though, you need to move on in life. You only have so much room, and most times, things are trivial. That being said, I still want to set up something that records everything I do visually and audatorially so that I can replay parts of my life on cue.

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