Friday, October 13, 2006

The Meaning of Life: Redux

Amber raised a good point in her comment to my previous post (even if she did post it at 3 AM). What if there is no meaning to life? It is the only assumption I made in my argument, and so it is a valid question to ask; is there a meaning to life?

It makes sense that we would attribute a meaning to life as it is 100% of our experience. We experience only that which we live, and thus our life is very important to us. As such, we wish to know that our life has a meaning, and there has been a reason for our existence. Just as we wish to feel secure in knowing that all the time and energy we put into school will be worth something someday, we too wish to believe that our life will amount to something greater than just the sum of our days.

But what if it's all for naught? In the grand scheme of things, it's entirely possible that we will destroy ourselves, the sun will expand and consume the remains of the Earth, and there will be nothing left of us. The rest of the universe will progress, unaware of our existence. We will have had no grand impact.

Truly though, every single day, we strive to get meaning from our life. We all want what's best for ourselves, and the majority of us have realized that this goal requires us to do both what is best for ourselves, while still doing good for others. We give our lives meaning. And that, more than everything else, matters.


truktruktruk said...

That was really beautifully articulated, Travis! I'm impressed, and definitely agree.

(And 3:00 AM is like dinner time for me these days, so ha!)

The Man With The Plan said...

I'm glad that you agree Amber. It's great to see that I can have an intelligent discussion with people. Perhaps, together, we can truly find the meaning of life. This reminds me, if anyone has a question or comment to a blog, definitely post it. I like to have feedback to my ideas. Remember, every discussion is for the betterment of all humanity.

(Thanks to all those who already give me feedback, like Amber, Man Eyes, Robyn (wherever she is), etc. You guys are great.)

truktruktruk said...

Robyn is upstairs above me, actualy. You and her both have suddenly begun updating your blogs too frequently for me to keep up! And you should know that I always look forward to your updates, and I'm still very jealous of your writing talents. You're definitely my most intellectually stimulating friend, so thank you!