Subtly. How subtle show one be? It's a hard call to make. If you're too subtle, then people may not notice the hidden meaning. However, not being subtle enough leads to too many people knowing about it. And in order to be truly witty, you have to know how subtle you should be.
Take my bad jokes. Please! In every joke you have to take a leap of faith. Look at the following joke:
Halley was a strange girl, and would only comment on blogs every 70 years. And thus, it was rare to see Halley's comment.
Now I, the joke teller (and a bad one at that) hope that you'll make the connection between Halley's comment and Halley's Comet, which also comes around every 70 years. If you don't make the connection, then the joke fails and you end up looking like and idiot. Not like you didn't already.
The problem is if you remove the subtly element completely, then the joke becomes obvious and is no longer funny:
Did you hear about the piece of wood, or board, that had nothing to do? He was a bored board! Get it? He's a board and he's bored!
But if you make the joke too subtle, then there's the chance that no one gets it:
Rekniht-drawrof a ton m'I!
Any idea what I said there and why it's funny?
So this is my point. Jokes are good, and don't be upset if your joke misses its mark. It just wasn't sharp enough. Or your audience wasn't.
Monday, March 13, 2006
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Hahaha I got's should I age? backwards humour?
And I know what you mean. Obviously you know I'm also a fan of the corny jokes and witty retorts...and they're definitely not as funny if people don't get them. Unless they get it five minutes later and think it's hilarious, then it's really funny.
p.s. I solemnly promise that this March Break I will capture the footage and send it to you.
I'm glad someone did. Nice comments on the joke by the way. And I love it when someone gets a joke later on. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
And capture that footage like it was a pokemon! Or like you're a swiffer and it's dust! Or something else!
May the forks be with you!
Eww did you see Grey's Anatomy yesterday? With the woman who had the fork stuck in her neck?
Sorry that's what I thought of when I read forks.
No, I really didn't. Then "May the spoons be with you!" Or "May cutlery other than forks be with you!" You can't discriminate, you know.
In other news, plastic forks are fun. Firing plastic forks is humorous. Firing plastic forks in math class after your teacher doesn't want you to is quite funny. Then taking a plastic fork and putting it in something which you give your math teacher is just hilarious.
That is all.
That is awesome.
Plastic forks are also dangerous. I gave one of my friends a grape at lunch so he could fire it off his plastic fork at the guy across the table, but he missed and it pinged a guy at another table in the head. Those things get some good speed. Woohoo projectile motion!
rebmA -
.sdrawkcab delleps rebmA si ambeR .heH .nuf saw gnidaerfoorP .og siht gnittel m'I os ,gninnur si eson yM
".oohooB !tenretni eht no saw ti tuB" !regnif 'niggirf sih ffo tuc ohw sarM acinoreV morf dik toidi eht saw sa ,ynnuf erew ymotanA s'yerG no dnabush reh dna kcen reh ni krof a htiw ydal ehT .hcnar krop a no kcud detapitsnoc a sa efil yM .yhctac os ;doog os ...mmmM .zzaJ n'paC dellac dnab kced a ot gninetsiL .elbmar ,elbmaR .elgnA truK evol I .secnetnes no-nur ynam oS
.revetahw ro sdrawkcab si tnemmoc elohw ym taht ees uoy nehw pord waj ruoy ekam nac I taht os siht fo lla gnitirw ylno m'I ,wohynA
.revelC .niaga ti ta dekool I nehw ti tog I ,ekoj "eltbusnu" tsal taht yawa evag nyboR retfa tub ,yranoitcid eht ni eltit revelc uoy pu kool ot gniog saw I .eurt si yas uoy tahw tub ,tnereffidni gnileef m'I ,eciohc fo cipot ruoy ot sdrager ni tuB
.yrotciv teewsrettib a oS .emag ym ezeerf , detceles nehw taht ,sretcarahc modnar fo snoitpo unem tub ,erew ylsouiverp yeht ekil nomekoP htiw lluf t'nera sexob nomekop ym fo 7 won dna ,yehg gnieb trats ot dediced emag ym tuB !lla me' hctac uoy ecno teg uoy amolpid eht fo duorp-rebu m'I ?xedekoP ym detelpmoc I taht uoy llet reve I diD
!suseJ oY
So I was bored...
Bottoms up!
Amber I got through about half of that then I had to stop...wait I finsihed now lol yes that hockey kid was odd. And I only got the title after reading your entire comment. Clever, very clever.
Here's a corny joke I heard today:
Why did the white bear dissolve in water?
Because it was polar!!!
You have the best corny jokes, Robyn! I lawled.
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