We all have met them in our lives. There are people who are generally jerks. What kind of a jerk have you met? Check on the JERK-O-METER!
Smart Aleck Jerk
This guy is smart. Or at least he knows how to emulate it. The problem with the Smart Aleck, is you can never be fully if they are smart or if they just act that way. Personally, if you find someone just acting smart, then you can deal with them quickly. You can whip out something that you know, and if they are just acting smart, their reply will most likely be "That doesn't matter!" And then they may try to redeem his/her intelligence by saying something they do know.
The problem is when you come on someone who is smart, and acts with an attitude. This can be hard to deal with. I mean, if you ask them something, then it is very possible that they will know what the answer is. So how do you defeat them? Usually you can't.
However, the Smart Aleck should be distinguished from the actually bright kid who doesn't have attitude. This guy can get picked on too and taken down as well, just because he is grouped with the Smart Aleck. This can be a major problem, since he might just gain an attitude because of this, as a form of defence. So don't pick on a nice smart kid, or you could be shooting yourself in the foot.
The Insensitive Jerk
This guy is a real pain. Maybe your cat just died and he makes a joke about a cat getting killed. Or you just feel off your bike, and he says that you should put on training wheels. Not the best guy to hang around with, is it? The main problem with trying to deal with the guy, is that if you try revenge, then he may get worse. However, it may also be the only way he will learn. The other option is to talk to him. Hopefully, he will get the clue that he is a jerk.
The Stubborn Jerk
This guy can really get on your nerves. He might call your house three times in the same hour, trying to sell you something. Or the person who is so sure that he is right, that he spends hours trying to prove it. These guys are just a general pain. I mean, even if you explain exactly why they should give up, they don't. They way to deal with telemarketers if to go "I'm sorry, but I can't make that decision. Let me transfer you." (Then you come on with a bad accent.) "I WOULD LIKE A LARGE PEPPERONI PIZZA!" Then hang up. As for someone who keeps bugging you and is just wrong, either you waste your time proving them, or you can be "I don't understand. Could you get me more information?" Usually, they will find out that they were wrong all along.
The I-Think-I'm-Funny Jerk
This guy tells jokes. BAD jokes. "Why did the chicken cross the playground? To get to the other SLIDE! Get it? Slide!" And he doesn't get it when people don't laugh. He just decides to try harder. So, how do you deal with him? Either tell him that he is about as funny as a turnip, or (you can be really mean) and repeat his joke in front of the same people a week later, and when no one laughs tell him "That's how unfunny you are."
The Old Joke Jerk
This is just as annoying. This guy hears one joke on elephants (with the punch line being "I don't want an elephant!"), and then constantly says the punch line over and over. He will ask you for some sheets, and you say you can't help with that. Then you ask "Is there anything else I can give you?" to which he replies "I don't want an elephant!" This guy doesn't get the hint. How to solve his problem? Well, if you use the tactic described above, then he will just laugh at the reference. So you have almost no way of getting around of this unless you tell him outright, or you wait until a new joke comes along. (Then the whole cycle starts over, new and fully of shininess!)
The Jerk Jerk
All this guy does is act like a jerk. And for no reason. He insults people and sticks to the same people he insults. And it really seems like he has no reason. Why does this guy arise? Probably because he is having a problem in his life, or he needs to have a sense of power. And once he gets a sense of power, he wants to keep it. So optimally, you have to get rid of his feeling that he is in power. If he gets hit by a tornado of rejection, and everyone ignores him, then he will have to stop. Or explode. Either or.
So, to summarise, we all go through these stages. One time or another, we become on of these types of jerks. Heck, some of us even become two or more of these jerk simultaneously. You also have to remember that the physce of the jerk is like a crystal. They usually do it because they feel insecure about themselves. While sometimes you need to take down a jerk in order for them to learn, just be wary. He may have been mildly annoying before, but now he may kill you.
I like how you connote being a jerk with being male.
It's true, it's true!
I wouldn't say that the I-Think-I'm-Funny or the Old Joke guy are jerks... they just don't know that what they're saying isn't funny. No need to hit them down with all your might. Just take them aside and explain nicely that most people don't find it funny to do X, and/or 'what would be even funnier is if you did Y'.
In reply to Amber: jerks are usually guys, bitches are usually girls. I think it's more the gender of the word itself. Then again, typical jerks and typical bitches act differently from each other. *shrug*
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