Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Hobbit In A Hole
Anyway, I brought a blanket to school today. Why? Because Warren, a friend of mine, wanted to hide underneath his desk in Math. My teacher said that she liked our desks because we couldn't hide anything. So Warren wants to hide. We'll see what happens.
On the way up to school, I wore the blanket around me, like Frodo did in The Lord of The Rings! I was so hip. People kept looking at me strangely too. Bonuses, bonuses.
So Math class will be fun today. And no school for the next two days, plus a coding contest on Saturday (free pizza)! Oh, I co-discovered 200 pounds of paper. Life is good.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Something Random!
"Not to worry. I've been able to keep my cool as I slow waited in agonizing anticipation for your momentous reply. It was hardest for the first few days when I realized that I may be idly sitting by while my good friend is drowning somewhere. Or even worse, becoming normal. However, lacking a laser (because everyone needs a laser) I decided that the best option would be to patiently wait. But this didn't work due to one simple fact that I carelessly overlooked:
I don't wait well.
So, I was forced to quest for something which still eludes me (in both name and in actually acquiring the aforementioned "thing"). But that is immaterial to our discussion, and should most likely not have been mentioned. Yet, lest we forget it, for then we would have forgotten, and then be given the task to remember in the future. And since it is wise to not put off to tomorrow what you can do today, then it is best to remember all that I have said, as I'm sure it will help you in the future.
But! The future of the past (which was only seconds ago) is now here! Hence, use your knowledge now, or the time may never come again.
And thus ends my random speech. Good day."
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Damn it Jim! I'm a Doctor, Not a Bricklayer!
Yes, for those few people who read my blogs, I apologize. I have committed a sin most high, and as such I have made this blog my paramount priority! As such, you may criticize, ridicule, and tear up this piece of art as if it was nothing but the sidewalk drawing of a girl of 7.
“Swounds, show me what thoult do!” (Hamlet, Act 5, Scene 1, Line something)
Now that I have taken care of the situation, posthaste, I need to ensure that this tragedy is never repeated (and I'm not talking about Hamlet). "How to do this monumentous task?" you ask as I paid you five dollars to do so not a minute earlier. Simple! My Savior is Google Calendar (the true Jesus, not myself as some people like to believe).
Yes, Google has done it again! You can set up your life using multiple calendars (such as one for school, one for family events, one for birthdays, etc.) and then share specific ones with specific people if you wish! It's convenient, and allows people to know where you are as needed.
For example, I was up at my aunt's this weekend, and few people knew this. Thus, I had to explain to each person where I was, what I was doing, how long I would be up there, etc. Why can't you people just leave me in peace?!
No matter, because soon I should have a calendar which explains what I'm doing, so I no longer have people calling me at 10 PM on Saturday asking for a cup of sugar for your stupid brownies that I can't have since I didn't give you sugar in cubes last time because you wanted to make an idiotic life-size replica of the pyramids of Egypt! Well I'm sorry! I wanted to make a model of the CN Tower though! And I have the 3rd sword of the Queen of the Elves which is enchanted until the full moon of Honorificabilitudinitatibus!
Now I best be off before someone figures out that this whole blog was useless, and was made to see who actually reads what I write. Be looking for something of substance soon. And by soon, I mean before I stop writing these blogs.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Fee, Fi, Fo, Felony!
Confidence and courage are two things that are not easily gained.
This morning, I wanted to help a friend out by forcing him into a situation where he did something that he had to do in order to move on in his life. So we waited for half an hour in front of his locker, trying to make him gain up the courage to bite the bullet. Then the moment of truth comes and... he does nothing.
I kick him. As any good friend would when the guy they waste half an hour on blows their chance. Then I ditch him, and go do lighting for the play until lunch.
Upon leaving the tech booth 15 minutes into lunch, I see him again, and force him down the hallway of his fear. Thus, he tries to jerk away, and I grab his backpack. Our two forces cancel out, and we are stuck in a state of equilibrium. In slow motion, the seconds tick off, until he makes his move and removes his backpack.
Now I'm up blackmail potential, and a backpack. Life is good! I walk down to my usual spot for lunch (the computer room) and work there until the end of third period, with my friend not coming and claiming his bag. Luckily, I know where his fourth period class is, so I give him his bag back.
Oh no, here he comes with a deranged look on his face, wielding a... BIC pen?! My days are obviously numbered. It turns out that he had an assignment due in third. I leave the math room hastily, only to be informed that his English teacher had paged me in both my third and fourth classes, and that my "friend" had been severely torn. Not to mention the fact that my math teacher had been paging me as well.
Did I steal my friend's bag? And if so, how far gone is this whole thing? Will I be suspended?
All I know is that my math teacher is mad/confused, my Chemistry is confused, his English teacher is mad at me, and there is the potential for other people to question me soon enough.
No one expects the Spanish Inquisition? Well, I do. And if I get skewered, then I may be lucky.
The moral? If you are going to make someone do the right thing, be wary of how you do it. I made my friend do the right thing, but now I have some explaining to do.