Let me start of this with a very simple statement. Touch-tone phones are fun. They are quite fun. I have learnt to play some simple, and original, tunes on them. It is fun. There's nothing quite like playing on a touch-tone phone. I think that it sound be an official musical instrument. And if it can be, then I want to play it.
Now don't get me wrong. A nice guitar song is good. And the piano isn't half bad either. But the touch-tone phone has helped make this world great. It's connected the lives of people all over the world. It's responsible for business being successful, and other ones not being. It has only been around for the past 50+ years, but everyone has at least one phone, or can easily access one. Who can say that of other instruments?
And what about the clarity of tone? Sure, other instruments may have a richer sound, but when you get down to it, those are just impurities in the tone. Plus, you don't need to spend hours tuning a complex instrument with a touch-tone phone. And they're cheap! Do you know how much it costs for a touch-t0ne phone? Almost nothing!
Also, the touch-tone phone is light weight. Compared with the bulky tuba, or massive Grand Piano, it's a breeze to carry. Sure, there may be smaller instruments like the flute or triangle, but the former you need to blow into, which is work, and the latter is only monotonic. Not much fun, in my opinion.
But what if you've just learnt a new piece of music? How will you be able to play it for friends and family? Especially if they're far away? Well, you could record the music. That's one option. But, is you're musical instrument is the touch-tone phone, then you can play it for anyone, anywhere! That's communicating music. That's spreading peace and harmony. That's good.
Finally, I would like to say that if anyone wants to join in my touch-tone phone band, I'll take auditions some time in the near future. So sign up (if, and only if you really want to though)!
Friday, February 24, 2006
Don't Call Us; We'll Call You!
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
DWITE, Happy Cat, And A Tale Of Programming
In other news, my coding team placed 15 out of 90 or so teams! Yea! And the best part is, Fil and Dave, the other two people on our team (Besides myself and Warren) didn't come! (We did have another laddy on our team, Mark, but he was only there for the first 35 minutes or so.)
...Happy Cat rules! I = 7331! Etc, etc.
In other news... Pizza rocks, coders can live on Swedish Berries, Fuzzy Peachs and pop alone, and don't mess with our code with your "You have exceed the time limit!" or we will mod our code so that it doesn't! (That's how we got points for the fifth problem.)
Hmm... reading over this, I can see that only other people who wrote the contest will have any idea what I'm talking about. So Amber, this last bit has all been for you.
What else to write about... Well, I did have a Chemistry Test. That was hard. And I had a Religion test, which wasn't hard. And I have first spare, so that's my crossword period.
I found that they have Imprints (The University of Waterloo newspaper) at a local "The Beat Goes On".
And I guess I'll leave you with a quote of my own:
"Programming is 5% perseverance, 10% problem solving, 15% typing, 20% Happy Cat, and 50% not commenting!" - Travis Gerhardt
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Presto Magnifico!
Well, what a week it's been. Let me summarize it:
Step 1: Get Stood Up
I like to code. This is a fact that most people know. So when I thought our coding practice was Monday, I was going to go to it. Then I talk to my friend,
*After school, at School*
My coding teacher can't be found. I wander the semi-smelly hallways looking for him. Semi-smelly since someone let off a fart bomb. 2o minutes later, I find him, and I'm informed that the coding practice is Tuesday. Great... but no biggy. I decide to wait the rest of the time for
No Harrison, but there are still people in the band room, so I wait.
Still no
Down at the bus stop, no
Step 2: Add a Dash of USAP
So we were going to film some USAP on Tuesday. I get there at
Everyone's in costume, the camera's there, and it's all a go. Or is it? I start to smash cinnamon hearts with Susie's hammer, Katie isn't acting... period, and we're all a little nervous about acting in front of the camera.
We have the one scene shot, on scenette done (I was the talking dog!), and Robyn has left us. Then the fun begins... However, I can not reveal what occurred then as if I did, 1. I would have a hammer coming out my nasal passage, 2. Kurt wouldn't love me, and 3. I would have another person or two on me. So I'm sorry, but you will have to put together your own ideas. And no, ORGY is not a valid idea.
Step 3: Square The Whole Thing!
*Wednesday, After school, School*
Euclid Preparation! Yes I got to do up some math after school for fun. Hey! There were free cookies! Anyway, after the whole thingy, I talk to my math teacher about something she doesn't quite get. So I explain it to her. (Yes, I really am a nerd.) Then we discuss the possibility or making a quartic formula; a formula to solve an equation like: 4x^4 + 6x^3 - 5x^2 - 7x + 12. She says that if I can make one that's simple and could be remembered, I should get some mega bonus marks. (I personally expect that she'll just go "If you can make that, then you should be able to do your homework!")
*On the Bus Ride Home*
I make the quadratic formula from scratch. Looks like I'll have my weekend cut out for me...
Step 4: Season With Some Good Old H2O
The forecast called for freezing rain through out the night, and it had already been thundering through the day. I know how the world thinks. The world thinks If that stupid Travis kid gets up at
So I set my alarm for
Step 5: Plan, Plan, and Scheme!
*Thursday, 6AM, in bed*
"And cancellations are: All schools under the Waterloo Catholic School District School Board, all schools..."I jump out of bed, run upstairs, turn on the computer... and wait. (My computer takes a while to load.) Finally, I go to the board website to see that schools are canceled.
Now, on a completely unrelated note, I think that is fine that someone dances in their pajamas or whatever they want when finding out something really good, especially if they do so in their own home. I don't think that it should make them feel less masculine, or feminine, but should make them feel fine. Thus, laughter from one's parents, or little sister, is never appreciated. Thank you for your attention.
Then I send out an e-mail to spread the good news. Hallelujah!
Step 6: Make Container, and Stir
Someone singing "It's a great day, What can I say?; I wouldn't have it, Any other way!" should not freak out old ladies. And I have a good singing voice! People have told me this! And I didn't pay them either!
Anyway, I start to make a fort with
Step 7: Sing While Your Cake Bakes
Harrison and I both enjoy video games. He plays music. So when he's bored, he plays the music from video games. Now his sister, well, she isn't a big video game fan. I don't think she's played a video game at all. So after twenty minutes of listening to
A word to the wise: Never get video game companies mixed-up around him. You see, he was also playing Sega music (some Sonic stuff). So he has to go and correct his sister, which just gets her more upset. I hope that she learns from her mistake!!!
Step 8: Check The Cake Often While It Bakes!
Never, I repeat NEVER take anything for granted, or imply that you do. Especially if it's a person. "May you never take single breath for granted" is what is written in the song Dance. (Great song by the way). I how that people will learn this, because you can't take a single thing for granted, because one day it may not be there. And who knows where you'd be then.
Step 9: Turn Up The Heat!
...On my sister's forehead. So she has a fever, and (I guess you can go "Aww..." if you really wish...) she wants to cuddle with me when she's sick. So I sit down on the couch, she grabs a pillow and puts in on my lap, and lies down.
*Half an Hour Later*
She's asleep. And I'm hungry. And my leg's asleep. And I'm hungry. And I'm really overheating. So since the only thing that matters is that I'm hungry, and slip out from under the pillow, and get something to eat.
Step 10: Counting Flowers On The Wall While Waiting
Old songs rock. I remember one song I would hear every few weeks a couple years back; "Counting Flowers On The Wall". Good song. It's about someone explaining what they do when they're bored.
"Counting flowers on the wall that don't bother me at all, playing solitaire till dawn with a deck of 51, smoking cigarettes and watching Captain Kangaroo, so don't tell me I've nothing to do."
So that was a great song to find again. Good tune.
Step 11: Eat!
Full circle. Sort of anyway. This week taught me a lot, much of which is on a more personal level. I've learnt how much meaning can be in the littlest thing, and how little meaning can be in the biggest thing. I've learnt that relationships will change, people will change, and situations will change. Next year will come, and I'll be in University, a little wiser, older, and more mature. And possibly richer or poorer.
The seasons will change, the years will come and go, but some things will stand the test of time. Others won't though, and that's fine. You have to take the good with the bad, and accept it as it comes. There will always be tomorrow. There will always be another twist in the road, another bend, but don't give up. You're never truly alone in this world.
Saturday, February 11, 2006
May someone give me half a cookie!
1. I do want to talk to people. I just can't right now, seeing as how my internet isn't on my computer, so I can't be on non-stop. It also means that I can only check my e-mail once a day, also causing the illusion that I don't care. I do. I just can't talk much now. Wait until I get my computer back up and online, and then you can get back to the normal routine of telling me how much we all should go out and buy ladles.
2. I do not have a disease. Unless breathing is a disease. That and living. So it is possible that I have a disease. But I assure you nothing fatal. For example, I don't have appendicitis. Or arthritis of the hand and mouth. Or a gun pointed at my head. So I'm alive and well. And if you don't believe me, then my captors will just have to send out propaganda saying that I am. Please, don't make them angry. I've had to eat borscht for the past three days.
Um... communism is good! The quarks and antiquarks from the falafel in the parlour served by penguins, who have the audacity to eat PINK cupcakes, shall bring you a glockenspiel that can be played with your nasal passages while you walk across a threshold. Sorry. Couldn't resist.
In conclusion, USAP should have an episode done by this Sunday, if I can keep the band together.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Very cool! As for shooting, I don't know when that will take place, but as soon as I get all the footage, and edit it into a episode, I'll post a link, to where ever we have it stored.
Adieu, adieu, remember me!